Megint született egy vers...ezúttal angolul...akinek van legjobb barátja, az tudja, hogy mire gondolok. :)
A day in the past,
What was, but it lost,
My heart was broken by the people,
They thought that, I’m an object, or a vehicle.
But, I found you, and you was only smiling,
And I couldn’t speak, but I was trying.
You looked at me, and I remembered you,
You were in my dream, you were the knight too,
Who saved my life,
When I hold the knife
In my hands.
Now, I’m just crying,
’Bout the killing-trying,
’Couse I was stupid and bad,
I wanted to do things, very mad.
But when I saw you,
I forgot everything,
I was happy too,
And I wanted to singing.
’ Couse I knew,
I found something new,
Something brighter,
Lighter than the lighter.
A real best friend,
Who never leave me,
Who’ll with me till the end,
And not I and you, just only WE!
Kommenteket írjatok, ha olvassátok. Végre totálisan boldog vagyok. :) Teljesen, maradéktalanul. Szeretni, és szeretve lenni. Ez a legnagnagyobb boldogság. És ez így igaz.
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